agriedge The device is a mobile SDR tool that can function as a data interpreter and a weather station. Supports data access from 150+ weather stations and features connectivity options for LoRa 433/868, Wi-Fi, BLE and GSM 4GCL A USB-C compatible device with sensors for lux, temperature, humidity, pressure, and IMU, designed for Microclimate analysis.
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Research on Remote Labs for Robotics EducationHuman Wildlife Conflict- Fab 2023 Bhutan
cosmo Low-cost remote lab platform to make industrial robotics education more accessible. We tested the platform with 1,000+ students during the lab’s e-Yantra Robotics Competition.screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm At Fab 23 Conference in Bhutan I was deployed in Limbhukha village, we worked on developing sustainable solutions for wildlife interference on farms.
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Automotive Grade Dead Reconking for Telematic DevicesOxygen Concentrator Monitoring System
dead Developed an low cost 3 Dimensional Dead Reckoning System, that will assist the gps and provide navigational support in absence of GPS signal or when the signal is weak. We used the IMU of GY5-21, ADXL-345 etc. for the Implementation.concentrator A system to monitor power parameters, oxygen purity, and air flow rate etc. Aim was to enhance ambulance oxygen storage for critically ill patients during prolonged transport.
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Multi-Agent Heirarchial Architecture for Quadraped RobotFab-able Low Cost Drones & Custom FlightController Firmware
cosmo I am working in a team of 2, of developing a quadruped robot, the twist is each leg is an individual agent with no central coordinator.screen shot 2017-08-07 at 12 18 15 pm I developed a ~1000Rs drone that can be made using generic fab lab equipments and components. It is arduino compatible, with a custom firmware implementing EKF.
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Robot Path Rectification & Odometry of 3 & 4 Wheel Holonomic DriveLow Cost Wireless HID Device Development & Analysis
cosmo I did the kinematical modeling and firmware for PID based Odometry and path rectifcation.xbee I researched wireless HID devices in the robotics lab, benchmarking various wireless technologies for low-latency, high-data-rate communication. Targeting 2 Mbps with minimal computational overhead.
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[Open Source] Interfacing Proprietary HID Devices via Native USB on Teensy 4.1Android Application for Image Processing and Object Detection
cosmo Developed a library for interfacing controllers like Xbox, Playstation etc. to work with ARM based controllers (Teeny 4.1)img pro Developed android application for deploying custom object detection models. Supports wireless communication for robot integration.
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Real Time Custom Object Detection using Open CV and Raspi 4BAlgorithm for Robot path rectification using IMU
cosmo Developed an low cost 3 Dimensional Dead Reckoning System, that will assist the gps and provide navigational support in absence of GPS signal or when the signal is weak. We used the IMU of GY5-21, ADXL-345 etc. for the Developed an low cost 3 Dimensional Dead Reckoning System, that will assist the gps and provide navigational support in absence of GPS signal or when the signal is weak. We used the IMU of GY5-21, ADXL-345 etc. for the Implementation.
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Object Detection using IMUElectronic Attendance Module
cosmo Developed firmware for custom object detection using inertial Measurement Units. The concept was to detect ferromagnetic objects based on deviations in the magnetic field to detect the type of automotive in the vicinity.attend Developed an attendance module deployed in my college. It has cloud support and integrated into an procotored examination system.
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Speedometer Odometer & Telemetry for E-BikeRegional Power Generation Predictor
cosmo Developed a display and telemetry system for an custom eBike. It used GLCD as output.predictor Developed a power generation predictor for wind mills and turbines. It also gives reccomendations for acheiving optimum power output.
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