Hi, I am Siddharth

I like to work on projects that tackle real life challenges by developing sustainable tech based solutions. I am interested in early stage prototyping and R&D projects that involve mechanical / electrical / software engineering.

More About Me Resume

Currently I work in Embedded Real Time Systems Lab at IIT Bombay. I am also associated with Vigyan Ashram and have worked on several projects with them. At the ERTS Lab I am involed in the E-Yantra Project, Agriculture IOT and Robotics Research. I have listed few of my projects below. Please vist the Projects section to get better idea about my work.

I am also the Theme Developer / Mentor in the e-Yantra Robotics Competition for the theme of Logistic coBot. This theme focuses on training students about industrial robotics using remote lab setup and Robot Operating System (ROS2).

Sponsor / AffiliationProject Name
inMachinesOptimizing grbl-HAL for high speed laser engraving using teensy 4.1
ERTS Lab IITBStudy of different cultivation approaches in polyhouse and their impact on pest growth
ERTS Lab IITBDevelopment of micro climate data acquisition devices- AgriEdge and Mobile Sense (Control & Sensing)
ERTS Lab IITBDevelopment of 4 wheeled differential drive robotic platform, targeted towards educational use and small scale automation.
ERTS Lab IITBLow Cost easy to make Drones and Flight Controller
ERTS Lab IITBWarehouse Automation- Theme Developer E-Yantra Robotics Competition
Fab23Human Wildlife Conflict- Fab 23 Bhutan Conference
Brose IndiaAutomotive Grade Dead Reconking for Telematic Devices
SmallDesignOxygen Concentrator Monitoring System
Robotics TeamLocomotion & Odometry on a 3 wheel holonomic drive
Robotics TeamLow Cost Wireless HID Device Development & Analysis
Robotics TeamLibrary for communication with Proprietary HID Devices using Native USB on Teensy 4.1
Robotics TeamAndroid Application for Image Processing and Object Detection
Robotics TeamReal Time Custom Object Detection using Open CV and Raspi 4B
Robotics TeamAlgorithm for Robot path rectification using IMU
LinkedLoops TechnologiesObject Detection using IMU